Tekken x RWBY: Lost City of Atlantis (Episode 1)

Release Date: April 15, 2019
Fandom: RWBY & Tekken (DIsclaimer: I do not own the said anime/game)

TEKKENxRWBY presents


Ruby Rose is a young girl with extreme knowledge on many things, history and myths, you name it. There won’t be a single detail that she doesn’t know about. But what she is focusing on the most is the story about the City of Atlantis, the land of gold as they call it. There is no person in the entirety of Remnant believes it’s real because no one has ever set foot in it or have actually found and proven it was real. Her mother, Summer Rose, is just like her. A researcher, a learner and a huntress. However, on one trip to find more clues about Atlantis, Ruby’s mother never came back. Until news reached Ruby that her mother was killed.

How does a fifteen year old survive in a cruel world like this?

The young Rose has been a cheerful girl as she’s imitated from her mother. And she’d work hard everyday to find a suitable workplace for her. From museums and schools, she’s tried applying to them all. Even if not one had considered accepting her because they believed she was crazy like her mother.

Ruby was walking down the street in search for the next place to apply to.

“Don’t worry Ruby, you can do this! You can find the perfect place to work! I know you can do it!” she tried to cheer herself.

While she was on the verge of creating another speech to cheer herself up, she sees her sister arguing with a girl in blue. Their foreheads slammed together and a crowd of men cheering around them.

“Oh no…” Ruby quickly ran passed the crowd to get in between the two women. “Yang! Stop!”

“Don’t stop me Ruby, this girl thinks she’s so cool well she’s not!” Yang tells her sister but her eyes remained locked on the other girl.

The young Rose used all of her strength to push her bigger sister away from the brunette girl. There was no stopping her sister when she’s standing like a solid rock because she’s enraged. Those red eyes would prove it too. But while she was doing this, someone from the crowd pulls on the brunette girl to stop her from fighting with Yang.

“Asuka, come on, aren’t you supposed to be stopping the fights? Not starting them?” her cousin tells her.

“Jin, leave this to me, I know what I’m doing! I’m going to teach this girl a lesson!” Asuka shouts at her cousin.

Both Jin and Ruby attempted to stop their family from doing anything rash. And with perfect timing, combat bots from Violet Systems were passing by, seeing an unusually large crowd around the street.

“Bots!” one would shout and the crowd will begin to disperse.

It was known throughout Remnant that combat bots from Violet Systems are following orders from the said company. And if they are caught by these bots, then they’d be punished accordingly.

“Oh man Yang we gotta go!” Ruby tugged on her sister’s arm.

“Not until I show this girl who’s boss!”

“What if we settle this then?” Asuka challenged.

The two girls smirked and glanced at the combat bots that was coming their way while the rest of the crowd are clearing up. Jin and Ruby did not like the looks that the two were giving. It wasn’t friendly, neither was it nice.

“The person with the most kills, wins.” Yang said aloud.

“You don’t have to tell me that.” Asuka says as she cracked her knuckles.

As the two warmed up themselves, Ruby slammed a hand on her face. After her mother left her, her big sister, Yang Xiao Long, has been her guardian and family. Other than her uncle and father that is. Jin on the other hand knew his cousin well enough that she’s one to love trouble even if she means well. They were going to join this brawl whether they like it or not.

Yang and Asuka raced to punch one of the bots, whoever does first blood obviously gets some kind of incentives with the count. But the two were able to punch the bot at the same time.

The two would growl at each other and distance themselves so they won’t have the same problem of hitting the same bot and keep a tie in the record. And while they were busy fighting, Jin stretched his arms as well and tilted at the smaller girl beside him. “You going to fight as well?”

“Supposedly. I mean, I can’t just let my sister fight and get in trouble alone. We’re family, you know?” Ruby replies shyly.

Jin did not want to stare at her because it was rude but he couldn’t help but judge her appearance. Ruby saw that look he was giving and she already deciphered what he was staring at for. She furrowed her brows at him to show him she was offended by this. A bit. Although she was used to people judging her little figure. Jin quickly got what her gaze meant.

“What about you though? Is she your sister as well?” Ruby asked. She doesn’t want to remain angry after all.

“Well… she’s my cousin.”

“I’m Ruby by the way. Ruby Rose.” she says to make the conversation better. She stretched her hand towards him and he hesitantly shook it.

“Jin Kazama.”

“A pleasure to meet you Jin. I guess we better protect our family then.”

“Yeah, I guess we should.”

As the four started to bash up the bots, in which they honestly literally enjoyed doing so, the four were later surprised to find themselves later being held by… the people that they fear the most.

Yang finds herself being pinned down by her father whose knee was pressing on her back for additional force to keep her in line. Her red eyes returned to its common color and she laughed nervously at the sight of the angry stare her father was giving her. Meanwhile Ruby was being held up by her uncle who was giving her the ‘you’re-dead’ stare and Ruby also nervously expressed her laughter.

On the other hand, Jin was lying down the cement floor, his leg being held by his mother while Asuka was being pulled by the collar of her clothes.

They were about to escape from the wrecked bots but the reinforcements arrived and they knew they were in trouble if they push the idea of violence. So they all ended up surrendering and taken into custody.

Their parents did the talking to lessen the punishment for them all while the four were nervously waiting outside.

“This was all your fault.” Yang hissed.

“You started it when you-”

“Could you two just please give it up! We’re all at fault and now we’re all in trouble! Right now the only thing I’m worried of is what kind of punishment awaits us!” Ruby shouts to keep the two from starting another heated argument.

“I agree with her.” Jin muttered weakly.

“You don’t talk much do you?” Yang asks. “Did your freaky sister absorb all the talky genes when she was born?” she teased and Asuka growled, attempting to punch her but Yang blocked it with her arm.

“She’s not my sister. She’s my cousin.” Jin corrected.

“But your mom and her mom are the same person?” Ruby asked in confusion. “I mean, she literally just carried you two like kids.”

“That woman is not my mom! She’s just looking after me too.” Asuka answered and Ruby nodded even if it doesn’t make sense for her.

“Well what about you? I thought this girl is your sister and yet why did two dads show up? Are you two- are you two adopted by your gay parents?” Jin asked and Ruby’s face heated up with imaginary smoke appearing from her nose and ears while Yang burst out laughing.

“That’s a new one! AHAHAAHAHA!” Yang exclaimed as she held on her stomach.

“That’s my dad and uncle! How dare you assume!” Ruby shouts with a beet red face and Asuka started to laugh as well.

“Oh uhm, s- sorry. I- uh, that was a-”

Asuka pats him in the back while she was also laughing hard. “Gee, no wonder you are so quiet. You’re so good at analyzing things the wrong way!”

“Runs in the family, huh?” Yang took the opportunity to tease again. And Asuka sent her a glare.

Ruby and Jin were a team on this one. “It was THIS close to make them friends!”

The door finally opens and Tai Yang was the first to enter. Tai is Ruby and Yang’s father. When he opened the door, Ruby and Yang immediately got off their seats to be by his side. “DAD!”

“You two are in so much trouble, you know that?” he tells them.

The two were quiet for a bit until they saw Qrow Branwen (their uncle) from their peripheral. With that, they dashed towards Qrow and hugged him tightly while they squeal “Uncle Qrow!” at the same time. And then they started to tell him what happened excitedly. Tai Yang scratched his head and pointed at himself.

“What about me? Why didn’t I get a hug? Or an exciting story?” he tells them but they ignore him.

Asuka and Jin saw Jun walk passed the noisy family to pick them up. They weren’t as excited as Ruby and Yang were though.

“This will delay our travel.”

“Sorry.” the two mumbled weakly.

“But we’re still looking for a researcher right? Until then we can’t go anywhere.” Jin justified.

“He’s right. It’s pointless to travel without a-”

“Waitdidyoujustsayyouneedaresearcher?!” Ruby appeared beside Jun with sparkling eyes.

“Yeah. We’re kinda on a tight schedule to find the lost city of Atlantis.” Jin explained.

“Wow if it’s so tight then why do you have all the time to fight with me?” Yang tried to rekindle the fight earlier with her arms crossed. Asuka would’ve retaliated if she wasn’t terrified of the consequences.

“Yang not now please, this may be my biggest breakthrough ever!” Ruby tried convincing her sister. “I mean ATLANTIS! This is my dream! My life! I’ve been one day dreaming to follow the steps of-”

“Okay Ruby, slow down, I get you. Fine. But are you sure? These people are a bit… villainy.”

“Nope. I met Jin for a short time but I believe he and I will get along!”

Tai and Qrow joins in the conversation while the Kazamas gave them time to talk.

“Whoa wait, what about my consent? Don’t I get a say in this?” Tai complained.

“Dad, you literally did not show up in our lives until today. I think we’ve grown the ability to decide for ourselves.” Yang says.

“Listen to the kids. They’ve grown a lot.” Qrow commented.

“And this is your way of saying you looked after them?!”

“I did my job, if you wanna be their dad, be my guest!”

“But… I am their dad.”


Before things get anymore awkward, Ruby will make a decision for herself. Not her sister’s, not her father’s, not her uncle’s, but hers. If she wants to prove she’s not just a little girl who depends on them then she’ll have to decide for herself.

“Okay look, I really appreciate everyone being protective of me but this is me growing up. Let me do what I love. I want to learn, I want to explore, I want to be a huntress. Just like my mother.” Ruby tried to convince them but the fact that her mother was no longer with them made them worried.


“For me, as long as her research is continuing, then so is her life. I will be with her this way. Atlantis is one of her biggest passion. Don’t take it away from me…”

“Well if that’s what you really want.” Tai says. “I’ll let you go if…”

“…we can come with you!” Yang finished.

Ruby blinked her eyes and felt as if her big speech just fell down the toilet.

“I want to go alone! Please!” she shouts, losing composure. “You don’t need to babysit me!”

She walks out of the room, dragging Jin with her. Asuka and Jun turned to the remaining family members in wonder.

“Please take care of her.” Yang tells them with a smile.

*Note: This work is in collaboration with Storm-Anime-FFWriter a.k.a. Storm. Check out his works as well, great writer!

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